Are you a teacher struggling to plan writing lessons for your students? It can be a daunting task, especially if you don’t have a curriculum or a lot of experience teaching writing. But don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are some simple and effective tips to help you plan successful writing lessons.
Tip #1: Use the standard. Take a look at the common core standards or any other standards required for your grade level. Break down the standard into manageable pieces and plan your lessons accordingly. This will ensure that you are teaching at the appropriate level and meeting the necessary requirements.
Tip #2: Explicitly Teach. It’s essential to explicitly teach students what you want them to do when writing. A quick 15-20 minute mini-lesson can go a long way, especially when using the gradual release model of I Do-We Do-You Do. Don’t assume that students know how to write. Provide them with explicit instruction, even if they were expected to do it in a previous grade.
Tip #3: Show Exemplary Models. Provide students with examples of what their writing should look like. By doing this, you are setting clear expectations and giving them a model to follow. The website Achieve The Core offers writing samples you could use.
Tip #4: Show Non-exemplary Models. It’s also helpful to show students writing samples that don’t meet the expectation. This allows them to see what not to do and work together to improve the writing.
Remember, it’s important to give students opportunities to write daily. You can do this through journal prompts, center time, or any other free time. However, make sure to explicitly teach them how to write effectively.
By using these tips, you’ll be able to plan effective writing lessons that will engage your students and help them become better writers. Don’t let the fear of teaching writing hold you back. With a little planning and preparation, you’ll be on your way to success!